Amy Blythe Wellness in the Corporate World

Amy Blythe Wellness in the Corporate World

My research has shown that employee wellbeing has been moved higher up the agenda in business, particularly in the aftermath of the Covid Pandemic. It’s no secret that numbers of people with poor mental health has increased exponentially. Providing good wellbeing...
What Amy Saw Next

What Amy Saw Next

As I write this we are exactly one month away from a whole year of Zoom Yoga. The first Zoom class was a hastily organised Friday morning on March 20th 2020. I’d gone for a run along the River Otter on the Thursday morning, giving myself time to contemplate the...
7 year old yogi

7 year old yogi

Spring certainly feels like it has sprung. I’m writing this in the sunshine, albeit with a jumper or two on, but to feel the sun on my face is just lovely. Here’s hoping that it lasts a little while longer. Yet again time has run away with me, I’ve...