Short and Sweet

Mini Movement Sequence

It was about time for a new short and sweet sequence. Lots of lovely movement for morning, noon or night!

Monday Movement

13 minutes of movement. You can do this on any day of the week (I just recorded it on a Monday!). A short and sweet sequence of movement. Step away from your desk and press play!


Just Move

15 minutes. A short movement sequence for first thing in the morning or the middle of the day! Just move and breathe.


Warrior Movement

14 minutes
A shorter sequel to move your body through some Warrior poses. Taking time for yourself.

Post Run

18 minutes
This is a great sequence post run or just a nice 18minutes session to stretch your body.

Sun Salutations

10 minutes
Sun Salutations are a lovely way to move the body through many ranges of movement. Start or end the day with this sequence; or take time away from your desk and breath and move!

Midday Movement

15 minutes
Take time to step away from your desk and move your body.

Morning Movement

15 minutes
Making good morning habits is the best way to set you up for the day. Movement is one of the three pillars of wellbeing. Use this sequence to move the body and start your day on a high!